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This Diwali, when you put the final flourish to your preparations, take a moment to pause. As you light the wick in the earthen diya, watch the light flicker and then flourish. Take a moment to reflect on your efforts in ensuring this Diwali shines as bright as ever.

Your eyes will first drift towards the rangoli which you created using bright natural colours without any chemical colouring. Your salwar or kurta freshly tailored from cloth that you handpicked yourself. The sweets and farsaans you prepared are based on recipes you learned from your mother, which she, in turn, learned from her mother. These recipes require ingredients as pure and precise as the recipes themselves.

All of this is proof that organic living is our tradition. Organic living comes organically to us.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life don’t lose sight of the things that matter. In the loud booms and bursts of firecrackers, don’t forget that it’s the sparkles that truly bring you joy. So try to make this Diwali #organicwaali.

Here’s a guide to help you navigate this festive season joyfully and in good health.


Embrace The Glow of Organic Goodness

Where the flicker of diyas illuminates joy, let organic food choices take centre stage. After all, it is never just a meal but a gift of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your body. It will not only delight the palette but serve as a health-conscious choice to steer clear of toxins and chemicals. Implement the organic approach in your celebrations too! Choose eco-friendly firecrackers that don’t contain harmful chemicals and limit the release of ash and dust into the air.


Welcome The Warmth of Well-Being

Organic food is not mere sustenance but a vibrant shield woven from the goodness of nature. As fewer harmful substances enter the body, your body’s defense mechanisms flourish, casting a warm glow on your well-being. It allows your immune system to operate at its peak, ensuring that the post-holiday blues don’t hit you too hard. 


Celebrate The Use The Celebration of Earth-Friendly Choices

In the joy and cheer of Diwali, let not forget the farmers, the custodians of such abundance, the harvesters of these amazing nourishments. And through the feast delights, spread this gratitude of organic living to others, inviting them to partake in the joy of organic living. As we relish the abundance of organic choices, let it transform into a shared banquet—a celebration of gratitude, well-being, and the vibrant essence of Diwali for everyone to enjoy.

So, as the platter of traditional treats graces your table, remember these delights carry more than just flavours. They encompass a sense of tradition, homemade love, and the anticipation of shared joy. Because, when it comes to preparing for Diwali, it is not you alone, but just a collective celebration that begins with you.

To get your party started, we at Organigram are offering 10% off on our various food items during this festive season. You can check it out here.


Organigram Staff

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